The Best Authentic Natural Agarwood Bracelets in 2024

Experience the allure of Authentic Natural Agarwood Bracelet with Hebes’ exquisite California-crafted collection. Our high-end agarwood bracelets, renowned for their elegance and feng shui benefits, are cherished for their health-enhancing qualities and ability to attract luck, peace, and wealth. Explore our captivating Agarwood New Collection 2024, meticulously curated for exceptional quality and beauty. Stay tuned on the fragrant journey of Agarwood and how Agarwood bracelets help warding off bad luck and attract positive energy in this article here.

1. Vietnamese Agarwood 12 – 15 years

Gathering the essence of heaven and earth, Agarwood possesses a powerful energy and precious medicinal properties. Not only does it bring benefits to health and spirit, Agarwood is also widely used.

Nowadays, Agarwood is used to make luxurious jewelry. Grind it into powder to make incense for relaxation. Displayed in the house or specially used to extract perfume, essential oils and some good medicines for human health and spirit.

It is no exaggeration to say that Agarwood is the “Diamond” of wood. Because among all kinds of wooden jewelry, the Agarwood bracelet is the most valuable item. It harmonizes the energies of good fortune, vitality, prosperity, and holistic wellness. Successful entrepreneurs and famous individuals usually wear natural Agarwood bracelets to enhance positive energy, attract wealth, and facilitate smooth and favorable business operations, leading to successful events and avoiding conflicts. In feng shui, Agarwood helps dispel misfortune and negative aspects in life. The fragrant aroma of Agarwood provides a sense of tranquility, comfort, and stress relief.


12-14 year old Vietnamese Agarwood is the most popular type of Agarwood on the market today. It has a light brown color, beautiful grain, and emits a faint, extremely pleasant fragrance that helps to relax the mind, balance emotions, and keep you happy and optimistic.

There is a statement in Vietnam: “The rich wear gold, the noble wear agarwood – Giàu đeo vàng, Sang đeo trầm”. Agarwood bracelets are also jewelry that enhance luxury and class for the owner, besides being feng shui and medical accessories. Agarwood mix Charm bracelets are both feng shui and delicate, the youthful, noble and elegant features of the owner.

=>  Explore more: Unlock Luck with Agarwood Bracelet Collection for 12 Zodiac Signs!

2. Authentic Natural Agarwood Bracelets Collection

2.1. Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2438

Our Agarwood Bracelet features 108 meticulously crafted beads, a number revered in Buddhism for its connection to peace and well-being. Traditionally used for prayer, this bracelet transcends adornment, acting as a holy amulet. It’s believed to instill inner calm and dispel worries, fostering harmony within.

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2438

The rich aroma of authentic natural agarwood bracelet complements the spiritual significance. Each bead whispers tales of serenity, love, and bliss, guiding you on your journey towards inner peace. This exquisite piece is ideal for those seeking spiritual awakening and a harmonious mind-body connection.

2.2. Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2894

This captivating piece features genuine Agarwood beads cascading from a stunning deep orange money bag charm, symbolizing prosperity and wealth.

More than just beautiful, the Red Agate Money Pouch charm signifies not only good fortune but also longevity, peace, and happiness. This lucky charm  is not only incredibly beautiful but it is also comfortable to wear and made from only the finest materials. 

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2894

Red Agate is also a symbol of longevity, peace, and happiness. If you need a complete reset or if you have been feeling tired and worn down by life, this is the dream stone for you.

The combination of authentic natural agarwood bracelet with Agarwood and Red Agate Money Pouch will help you make more money and also store money, keeping your finances abundant.

2.3. Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2335

This bracelet is meticulously crafted with each bead chosen for its elemental power, designed to harmonize your well-being. Moonstone, known for its dreamy essence and pearly luster, brings a sense of stability. Imagine the calming rhythm of the moon’s cycle, offering solace and renewal just as the darkness gives way to light. This stone, revered for its lunar connection, is believed to balance emotions and intuition.

Hebes - Agarwood - Bracelet - HC2335
Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2335

Combined with Agarwood, known for its grounding properties, the bracelet amplifies positive energy, fostering tranquility, comfort, and stress relief. As you wear it, visualize the moon’s gentle influence washing over you, promoting a sense of inner peace and well-being. Get your favorite authentic natural agarwood bracelet now to gain benefits!

2.4. Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC3081

Unleash your inner brilliance and propel your career forward with our exquisitely crafted California-made bracelet. This stunning piece seamlessly blends the wisdom of Feng Shui with undeniable style, creating a powerful synergy for both personal and professional success.

Hebes - Agarwood - Bracelet - HC3081
Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC3081

Imagine the Amethyst Pixiu Dragon as your personal key to unlocking a boundless wellspring of wealth and prosperity. Its potent energy attracts not just abundance, but also acts as a guardian, protecting your assets while paving the way for career advancement and the realization of your ambitions.

Infused with the grounding benefits of authentic natural Agarwood for well-being and the memory-enhancing properties of Amethyst Pixiu, this bracelet fosters exceptional mental clarity and unwavering work focus. As you wear it, visualize doors opening to a future overflowing with success and prosperity.

2.5. Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2369

Natural Agarwood jewelry transcends mere adornment. It’s a sublime fusion of earthly and celestial energies, harmonizing the forces that cultivate good fortune, vitality, and holistic well-being. Throughout history, successful individuals have utilized to Agarwood’s power. The rich, aromatic resin not only enhances positive energy and attracts prosperity, but it’s believed to create a flow of favorable circumstances, fostering smooth business operations and minimizing conflicts.

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2369

To amplify this potent energy, consider incorporating the Pixiu Dragon charm. This mythical creature symbolizes a key, unlocking a limitless wellspring of wealth and prosperity. The Pixiu not only attracts abundance, but also acts as a guardian, protecting your assets while paving the way for career advancement and the realization of your dreams.

3. Reputable Agarwood Bracelet Stores in the U.S

If you are looking for a natural and high-quality Agarwood bracelet, you cannot miss Hebes by Chloe. We are proud to be the number 1 supplier of high-class Agarwood bracelets in the US and always receive the trust of customers in the states in the US, Canada and Europe.

Don’t miss this opportunity to own a natural agarwood bracelet that will bring you peace, prosperity, and protection. At Hebes, you are sure to find the perfect Agarwood bracelet at the most affordable price.

Visit Hebes by Chloe today via website or hotline +1 714-643-9114 + 1-800-123-4567 for the most enthusiastic advice on choosing the right bracelet for you.