Vietnam Agarwood – The King Of Feng Shui


Vietnam agarwood is more than just a fragrant wood. It is a symbol of elegance, refinement, and sophistication in fashion. 

Do you want to learn about the value of Vietnam agarwood in various fields, how to distinguish different types, and their prices? Or where to buy authentic Vietnamese agarwood rings in the USA? Join Hebes in this article as we explore the fascinating world of Vietnam agarwood.

1. Vietnam Agarwood Story – The World’s Most Sacred and Rare

The agarwood tree (Aquilaria crassna) grows in the high mountains of Vietnam and produces the rarest type of agarwood in the world: Vietnam agarwood.

The legend says that the gods blessed this sacred tree. When the tree gets injured or infected, it secretes a resin to heal itself. This resin has a special aroma and healing properties. It also contains the spirit of the tree, which brings good luck and peace to its owner. Only kings, mandarins, and rich people could afford this precious item.

Read more: How to Identify Real Agarwood Bracelets

2. The value of Vietnam agarwood

Hebes lists the following factors that determine the value of the Vietnam agarwood bracelet

2.1. Medicinal value

It has many organic compounds that can restore, safeguard, and improve your appearance. It can also cure illnesses such as cough, asthma, pneumonia, abdominal pain, diarrhea, toothache, insomnia, stress, and depression.

Hebes - Agarwood - Bracelet - HC3081
Viet Nam Agarwood Bracelets

2.2. Economic value

Vietnam agarwood is a high-value export product of Vietnam. In 2019, exported Vietnam agarwood to 25 countries and territories with a total estimated value of more than 200 million USD. China, Korea, Japan, India, and European countries are the main markets of Vietnam Frankincense.

2.3. Fragrance value

Its scent is distinctive, seductive, and long-lasting. You can enjoy a pure, pleasant, and luxurious atmosphere in your living and working space with it. It also serves as a raw material for aromatherapy products such as perfumes, soaps, fragrant waxes, and essential oils.


108 Beads Agarwood

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2344



Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2336


24K Gold

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2366

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2730

108 Beads Agarwood

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2730


2.4. Cultural values – beliefs, feng shui, spirituality

A symbol of prosperity, luck, and peace in Vietnam culture. It is a feng shui item that can attract fortune, improve careers, and harmonize families. It is also used to worship gods, ancestors, and ancestors.

Viet Nam Agarwood Bracelet

2.5. Fashion value

Not only a medicinal herb or aromatherapy but also a high-class fashion accessory and personality. Vietnam agarwood bracelets are made from carefully selected pieces of Vietnamese frankincense wood, ranging in color from dark brown to black, with natural motifs and gentle fragrance. They can match a variety of fashion styles, from business wear to streetwear. Besides, they can also enhance your charisma and confidence with their unique and elegant appearance.

Check out Hebes By Chloe’s best-seller Vietnam agarwood bracelet.


108 Beads Agarwood

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2344



Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2893



Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2714


24K Gold

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2366


3. Classification of Vietnam agarwood and price

The price varies depending on the quality and age of the essential oil, let’s find out with Hebes below:

3.1. Vietnam agarwood 12-14 years

This type has a bright brown or reddish-brown color and a light and pleasant aroma. It costs from 500 to 1000 USD / kg. It has a simple but delicate design, moderate size, and can suit any situation.

When made into jewelry such as bracelets and coated beads, its prices range from 42$ – 127$.

Viet Nam Agarwood 12 – 14 Years

3.2. Vietnam agarwood 50 – 55 years

This type has a dark brown or black color and a strong and lingering aroma. It costs from 5000 to 10,000 USD / kg. It has a luxurious and noble design, large and heavy size, and high value and rarity.

When made into jewelry such as bracelets and coated beads, its prices range from $85 – $234.

Viet Nam Agarwood 50 – 55 Years

3.3. Vietnam agarwood Ky Nam 100 years 

This type is over 100 years old, and has a glossy black color and a passionate and attractive fragrance. It costs from 50,000 to 100,000 USD / kg. It has an exquisite and unique design, is very large and very heavy in size, and is very rare on the market. Money can’t buy either. Therefore, this type is the most valuable and sought-after by collectors and connoisseurs.

Read more: Agarwood Bracelets Best Price in 2023

4. Where to buy prestigious Vietnamese agarwood bracelets in the USA

If you want to own a quality and prestigious Vietnam agarwood bracelet in the USA, you cannot ignore Hebes By Chloe. We are the best Feng Shui Jewelry Brand based in California. Moreover, we have a wide range of designs and styles to suit your preferences and personality.
The products are imported directly from prestigious raw material regions of Vietnam. Frankincense Hebes is committed to the origin, fragrance, design, and warranty and return policy of the products. Furthermore, we use natural and eco-friendly materials to make our products, which are good for your health and the environment.
Besides, you can find all kinds of feng shui bracelets at Hebes By Chloe website or via hotline +1 714-643-9114 + 1-800-123-4567 for the most enthusiastic advice.