Choose A Thoughtful Gift For Mom According To The 5 Elements

Choose a thoughtful gift for Mom according to the 5 Elements

According to the law of interaction among the five elements, if someone uses feng shui products that are suitable for one’s element, they will attract wealth and good luck. Nowadays, wearing feng shui bracelets is becoming increasingly popular. Feng shui bracelets bring many wonderful benefits to the wearer. Not only do they help attract wealth, and good luck, or have important meanings to improve health, feng shui bracelets are also one of the most beautiful and luxurious jewelry items. So how to choose a bracelet gift for Mom according to the 5 elements?

How to know which element Mom belongs to?

The five elements are based on the day, month and year of person birth in the lunar calendar.  Based on the time of her birth, you will know you belong to which feng shui five elements.

To determine which of the five elements your mom belongs to in feng shui, you will need to know the day, month, and year of her birth according to the lunar calendar. Each person’s birth time is associated with a particular element: wood, fire, earth, metal, or water. These elements are believed to influence a person’s personality, behavior, and preferences, as well as their feng shui preferences for home decor, colors, and other elements.

By understanding your mom’s feng shui element, you can gain insight into her personality traits, strengths, and weaknesses. For example, if she belongs to the wood element, she may be creative, intuitive, and adaptable. If she is a fire element, she may be passionate, charismatic, and ambitious. If she belongs to the earth element, she may be practical, reliable, and nurturing. If she is a metal element, she may be organized, disciplined, and analytical. Finally, if she belongs to the water element, she may be intuitive, sensitive, and reflective.

Choose a thoughtful gift for Mom according to the 5 Elements
Mother’s Day Gift Set includes an intention candle, a spiritual bracelet and a mini stone Love pack. This set is perfect for the mom who enjoys taking a moment to focus on her well-being and spirituality.

Choose feng shui gifts for Mom belonging to the Metal element

If you’re looking to choose a feng shui gift for your mom who belongs to the Metal element, it’s important to consider gemstone colors that align with this element. Natural stones with earthy tones like yellow and brown are a great option, as are yellow quartz, red or dark-colored agate, and tiger eye stones. White quartz, gray agate, or white sapphire can also be suitable choices. However, avoid giving gemstones from the Fire element like those with red, pink, or purple colors, as these may bring bad luck to the recipient. By keeping these guidelines in mind, you can choose a thoughtful and meaningful feng shui gift for your Metal element mom.

Choose a thoughtful gift for Mom according to the 5 Elements
Wishing Mom a peaceful life with Inner Peace “AN” Gift Set. This gift set can enhance positive energy, well-being and inner peace.

Choose feng shui gifts for Mom belonging to the Wood element

According to the theory of the five elements, the Wood element symbolizes trees, so individuals belonging to this element would be suitable to feng shui gifts in green or brown colors. When selecting feng shui gifts for a mom with the Wood element, consider items that bring wealth, power, and good health, such as Pixiu, God of Wealth, and Dong Xu feng shui items that signify power, status, and the attraction of love, peace, and health.

While there are many feng shui gifts suitable for those with the Wood element, it’s crucial to choose the best items. Because that helps boost the vitality of those with the Wood element.

Choose feng shui gifts for Mom belonging to the Fire element

If you want to purchase feng shui gifts for a Mom belonging to the Fire element, it is recommended to choose items with orange, pink, or red colors as these colors are believed to bring luck and wealth. Furthermore, you can also consider giving feng shui gifts with green or blue colors to Mom. According to feng shui experts, items with these colors can bring health, wealth, and luck to the recipient.

Choose a thoughtful gift for Mom according to the 5 Elements
Wishing mother a life full of love with Grateful “LOC” Gift Set. This gift set can help Mom enhance her beauty, and career path and attract more love in life.

Choose feng shui gifts for Mom belonging to the Earth element

People born with the Earth element are compatible with Earth, generate Fire and Metal elements, but are restrained by Wood and Water elements. Therefore, when choosing feng shui gifts for Mom belonging to the Earth element, you should buy items with colors such as pink, orange, purple, and red. Additionally, you can also give Mom gifts with colors that are compatible, such as brown, dark yellow, blue, or black. These feng shui gifts bring wealth, luck, and good health to the recipient.

However, it’s important to remember not to give people born with the Earth element feng shui gifts with colors like white, silver, or green because these colors often do not bring luck, wealth, or well-being to the recipient. So, be careful when choosing feng shui gifts for people born with the Earth element.

Choose a thoughtful gift for Mom according to the 5 Elements
Wishing Mom a blissful life with Everlasting ” PHUC” Gift Set. This gift set can help your Mom enhance good luck, and fortune and protect family love.

Choose feng shui gifts for Mom belonging to the Water element

In comparison to individuals belonging to other elemental groups, those belonging to the Water element have a stronger and more distinctive influence. The Water element is derived from the Metal element, hence it is nourished by the colors white and metallic. To choose a feng shui gift for Mom who belongs to the Water element, it is recommended to opt for items with black and sea blue colors.

Additionally, white-colored items can also be purchased to give to Mom. The color white can assist individuals of the Water element in minimizing the negative consequences and unexpected misfortunes that may occur. This is the most effective way to select a favorable feng shui gift for those belonging to the Water element.

In conclusion, choosing a thoughtful gift for Mom based on the 5 Elements can help bring luck, wealth, health, and happiness to her life. By understanding her birth element and the corresponding colors and elements that are beneficial, you can select a meaningful and unique feng shui gift that suits her personality and needs.