Best Men’s Feng Shui Bracelet You Should Know in 2023


Men’s feng shui bracelets for a man who wants to attract more money, happiness, and success in his life. These are not just ordinary accessories, but powerful tools that can help you improve your life.

Feng shui is an ancient art and science that teaches how to balance the energy in your environment. By wearing a feng shui bracelet, you can align yourself with the natural forces of the universe and enhance your personal energy field.

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So what is feng shui bracelets? A feng shui bracelet is an accessory that is believed to bring good luck, wealth, and protection to the wearer. Why men need to wear feng shui bracelets? Men can wear feng shui bracelets to achieve their goals and live a more fulfilling life. I guess you still have many questions about what feng shui bracelets men should wear, right? Follow Hebes to discover those bracelets in this article.


1. Men’s Feng Shui Bracelet with Agarwood Beads

The first men’s feng shui bracelet to mention is the nature agarwood bracelet. This is the ‘feng shui king’ that brings luck, peace, and fortune, and everyone should possess it.

1.1. Vietnam Submerged Agarwood Bracelet 108 grains 

The number 108 is sacred in Buddhism, Hinduism and other religions. It represents the perfection of wisdom, compassion and enlightenment. Also symbolizes the harmony of the body, mind and spirit.

It has a sweet and comforting smell that can calm the mind, purify the soul and enhance meditation, attracts positive energy, luck and prosperity.

Nam-Phong-Thủy-Vòng-Hebes-Trầm Hương-Vòng-HC2438
Men’s Feng Shui Bracelet Hebes HC2438

1.2. Agarwood bracelet mix Pixie Dragon charm

This jewelry is a popular choice for men to protect themselves from evil spirits, bad luck, and harm. Pixiu Dragon, the legendary creature of wealth and security, helps you attract money, keep your assets, and take advantage of opportunities to prosper.


Vòng tay nam-phong thủy-Hebes-Trầm hương-Vòng tay-HC2667
Men’s Feng Shui Bracelet Hebes Agarwood HC2667

108 Beads Agarwood

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2344


24K Gold

Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2511



Hebes Agarwood Bracelet HC2806


1.3. Indonesian Submerged Agarwood Bracelet mix Black Onyx Stone

Indonesian Submersible material (30-35 years old) that is luxurious, valuable, good for health, helps reduce stress, and improves sleep quality. Add a subtle fragrance that creates a sense of relaxation, purity, and holiness when praying.

Choose Black Onyx stone as a powerful “talisman” that helps you be confident, decisive, and discerning in everything. The stone’s energy helps to strengthen the bond in the relationship, increase luck in business and career.

Men’s Feng shui bracelet Hebes Agarwood HC2808

2. Men’s Feng Shui Bracelet for Luck and Prosperity

2.1. 24K Golden Cat Braid Bracelet  

This is a men’s feng shui bracelet that is crafted by a skilled artisan who knows how to create simple and beautiful things. It can help you attract more good luck, protect your money, and live peacefully. With 24k gold beads, you can magnetize money and abundance into your life.
Hebes 24K Gold Lucky Leather Bracelet HC2963

2.2. Jade Bracelet Pixie Dragon 

Experience the soothing power of jade, the stone of serenity and healing. It nourishes your body and mind and harmonizes your emotions for inner peace. Paired with the Pixiu Dragon, the mythical beast of fortune and protection, it helps you attract wealth, preserve assets, and seize opportunities to prosper. 

Men’s Feng shui Bracelet Hebes Jade HC3033

2.3. Healing Bracelet for men Super Seven

If you are looking for a men’s feng shui bracelet that can improve your life in multiple ways, you should consider this Super Seven bracelet. Super Seven is a unique crystal that contains the power of seven natural quartz varieties, each with its own benefits and properties. The crystal shines with tiny universes that match all five fates, bringing you luck in money, love, health, work, and social relationships. The crystal also activates your intuition, reduces stress and fatigue, and helps you think clearly and calmly. This men’s feng shui bracelet is a rare and beautiful accessory that can help you achieve your dreams and goals.

Hebes-Super Seven-Bracelet-HC3072
Men’s Feng Shui Hebes Super Seven HC3072

24K Gold

Hebes Red Tiger Eye Bracelet HC2900

Hebes Blue Tiger Eye Bracelet HC2866

3. Healing Crystal Men’s Feng Shui Bracelet for Chakra Balance

The 7 Chakras are the 7 energy centers which can generate energy from the Mind, directly affecting the Health, Thinking, Thinking & Will of people. Feng shui bracelets for men, helping balance your energy centers, bringing you abundant health, clear-mindedness, confidence, and determination in life.

7 Chakra Healing Crystal Set HC968013

Some models of Men’s feng shui bracelets support health and increase energy available at Hebes By Chloe store:


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